 Paola Mattavelli


Paola Mattavelli
 Paolo Voto


Paolo Voto
 Patrick Hoenderkamp


Patrick Hoenderkamp
 Pete Ellis


Pete Ellis
 Piero Tonin


Piero Tonin
 Piero Celli


Piero Celli
 Pietro Galeoto


Pietro Galeoto
 pppp iguuhiuh


pppp iguuhiuh
 Raffaele Scotto Di Carlo


Raffaele Scotto Di Carlo
 Raffaella Ciacci


Raffaella Ciacci
 Reggio Comix


Reggio Comix
 Renato Ciavola


Renato Ciavola
 Renato Prezioso


Renato Prezioso
 riccardo grassi


riccardo grassi
 Richard Svitalsky


Richard  Svitalsky
 Rita Marizza


Rita Marizza
 Roberta Tomaselli


Roberta Tomaselli
 Roberto Fiaschi


Roberto Fiaschi
 Roberto Ventura


Roberto Ventura
 rosaria costa


rosaria costa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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Delia Ciccarelli


Italian born, Delia Ciccarelli studied animation and illustration at university in Rome, before beginning work as a children's illustrator. Now, Delia?s portfolio boasts of delightful illustrations for several Italian and British publishers and design studios.

Delia takes as her inspiration obser


Anna Bartoli


Illustration and children's workshops


Libero Ermetti


My name is Free Ermetti and I have 27 years, working as an illustrator and cartoonist for several years after graduating art school and a graphic of three years. I summarize here my credentials: cooperate with Gardaland for years for the illustration of calendars, T-shirts, cups and various merchand






