 Alessandro Tarabelli


Alessandro Tarabelli
 Alessandro Angiovini


Alessandro Angiovini
 Alessandro Gottardo


Alessandro Gottardo
 Alessia Grassi


Alessia Grassi
 Alessio Nocerino


Alessio Nocerino
 Andrea Romoli


Andrea Romoli
 Andrea Bernicchi


Andrea Bernicchi
 Antonio Federico


Antonio Federico
 Arianna Calabretta


Arianna  Calabretta
 Arianna Francesca Luana Sabella


Arianna Francesca Luana Sabella
 Arnaldo Orazi


Arnaldo Orazi


 Carlo Rispoli


Carlo Rispoli
 Carolina Sorgato


Carolina Sorgato
 Cesare (Cèsar) Lo Monaco


Cesare (Cèsar) Lo Monaco
 Cristiano Fina


Cristiano Fina
 Danilo Marra


Danilo Marra
 David Emanueli


David Emanueli
 Davide Tosello


Davide Tosello
 Debora Bertazzi


Debora Bertazzi
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Pasquale Celano


Pasquale they Conceal, child of the years 70, is a young graphic freelance, that after having completed the artistic studies in that of Reggio Emilia and various vicissitudes with the academy of Belle Arti of Bologna, (City where he/she currently resides and he/she works).
He has begun to collabora




Studio Caba & Chesi originates from the meeting between Giovanni Basile and Matteo Chesi, two established professionals in the field of publishing, illustrations and cartoon cinema.
After ten years from its creation, Studio Caba & Chesi is a steady and influential point of reference for the most im


Alessandro Angiovini


2 much interests and the days are so short,sometimes I'd like that the days could last 36 hours, I don't like too sleep 2 much and without drugs is hard to stay awake. I 'm a sort of comics drawer-illustrator ( I 'd like 2 thank who created Photoshop),I've collaborated to a movie TELE-VISIONI( again






