Esperienze professionali:
Dal 1988 ad oggi scrivo e disegno storie a fumetti dei personaggi Lupo Alberto e Cattivik di Silver per le case editrici Glenat Italia, Acme, Macchia nera, MCK publishing, Mondadori, venendo regolarmente pubblicato sulle relative riviste mensili. Ad oggi ho disegnato c.a. ....Read more...
hello! I am a comic designer and I hope you like my drawings. ....Read more...
Bargagna Marco, aka Mr. Bad, born in France begins from an early age to make comics, self-taught graphic sign publishes various newspapers and magazines: Cuore, Linus, Manifesto etc ...
Awarded in several national competitions and in 2010 received the 4th prize at the international competition org ....Read more...