Born in 1979 in the Ancona district. Got his high school diploma as "Maestro" at the Istituto d'Arte of Macerata. Got a degree at the Scuola Internazionale di Comics in 2003. His first assignment as an illustrator and cover designer is for the book Il Pane Altrui edited by Nuggets Island: by the sam ....Read more...
Ivo Milazzo, moved young Liguria he began to attend Rapallo grow artistically under the guidance of Luciano Bottaro, Carlo and Giorgio Chendi Rebuffi, the founders of Studio Bierrec?. It is here that, of a story and the other Disney (Uncle Paperone and the disappearance of Paperopoli of 1973, with t ....Read more...
Always engaged in multimedia and animation activities, he has created many gadgets for Kinder-Ferrero Group?s products.
He has created humour comics for newspapers like Corriere dello Sport, Avanti, Il secolo XIX and he has worked at graphic and paging for comics essaies.
He has been th ....