 Alexey Leonov

    2D 3D Animation

Alexey Leonov
 Andrea Bonetti

    2D 3D Animation

Andrea  Bonetti
 Andrea Farina

    2D 3D Animation

Andrea Farina
 Andrea Lorenzo Pasimeni

    2D 3D Animation

Andrea Lorenzo Pasimeni
 Animundi Studio

    2D 3D Animation

Animundi Studio
 Armando Iurilli

    2D 3D Animation

Armando Iurilli
 Caba & Chesi Studio Animation

    2D 3D Animation

Caba & Chesi Studio Animation
 Chiara Martinelli

    2D 3D Animation

Chiara Martinelli
 Damiano Dzalagonia

    2D 3D Animation

Damiano Dzalagonia
 Enrico Sanna

    2D 3D Animation

Enrico Sanna
 Fabio Bianchini

    2D 3D Animation

Fabio Bianchini
 Francesco Acquaviva

    2D 3D Animation

Francesco Acquaviva
 Gianni Nugoli

    2D 3D Animation

Gianni Nugoli
 Giuliano Cenci

    2D 3D Animation

Giuliano Cenci
 Giuliano Fontanelli

    2D 3D Animation

Giuliano Fontanelli
 Massimiliano Bova

    2D 3D Animation

Massimiliano Bova
 mauriziana gualdrini

    2D 3D Animation

mauriziana gualdrini

    2D 3D Animation

 Scuola NEMO

    2D 3D Animation

Scuola NEMO
 Sergio Senise

    2D 3D Animation

Sergio Senise
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Fabio Bianchini


As a young boy, Fabio Bianchini started working as an illustrator and designer for Piccoli Publishing House, Emme Editions and Mondadori.
Since 1980 he has been publishing continually his strips in ?Il mago? magazine for Mondaori Editions.
In 1984 he started creating musical viodeoclips with the I


Caba & Chesi Studio Animation


Studio Caba & Chesi originates from the meeting between Giovanni Basile and Matteo Chesi, two established professionals in the field of publishing, illustrations and cartoon cinema.
After ten years from its creation, Studio Caba & Chesi is a steady and influential point of reference for the most im


Armando Iurilli


Web-designer and web-development







create three dimensional animations icons Maya modelers working digital storyboard images flash Character design agency 
international agency creative computer modeling editor gif graphics creative 2D Image 3D library