Cartobaleno nasce nel gennaio 2001 da un gruppo di quattro ragazzi,"comunicatori in animazione", con la passione per i cartoni animati.
Lo studio lavora applicando la tradizionale tecnica del cartone animato 2D, integrandola con le nuove tecnologie informatiche e specializzandosi nello sviluppo e n ....Read more...
Studio SCARABOCH was formed in 2007 with the aim of producing a 9 minute, animated sample of the comic series ?STRISCE BAVOSE? created by Giorgio Sommacal and Augusto Rasori. Silvio Arlenghi took care of the animation while Franco Colombano and Pierre Ferrero did the editing.
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As a young boy, Fabio Bianchini started working as an illustrator and designer for Piccoli Publishing House, Emme Editions and Mondadori.
Since 1980 he has been publishing continually his strips in ?Il mago? magazine for Mondaori Editions.
In 1984 he started creating musical viodeoclips with the I ....Read more...